Power Station Design
Teck has been providing design for diesel, heavy fuel oil and natural gas fired power stations ranging in size from 500 kW to 28 MW, in Alberta, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Africa.
Some of our designs incorporate full combined heat and power (CHP) based on heat recovered from the engine jacket water, oil cooling, charge air cooling, and exhaust gas. This increases the thermal efficiency of the power station and utilizes waste heat for other purposes such as building heat, process and district heat.
Our designs are tailored for the specific location of the plant. The northern plants are typically arctic grade that are fully configured to operate in temperatures down to minus 50°C and incorporate arctic grade equipment and specialized lower temperature design. Likewise, our hot climate designs take into consideration the reduced cooling capacities due to the high ambient temperatures that require special design considerations.
Our complete power station designs, which include all the engineering disciplines, are achieved in partnership with our associates with whom we have a long-standing working relationship.
We provide
- Standard designs for power stations from 500 kW to 28 MW
- Diesel, heavy fuel oil, and natural gas fired reciprocating engine generating sets
- Combined heat and power (CHP) design based on heat recovered from engine jacket water, oil cooling, charge air cooling, and exhaust gas
- 3D power station design
- Mechanical, piping, HVAC and plumbing design
- Fuel system design including diesel, heavy fuel oil, and natural gas
- Cold weather engineering for northern arctic regions
- Tank farm design including fuel storage design to API 650
- Equipment specification, tendering, bid evaluations and recommendations
- Exhaust gas stack analysis, design and detailing
- Piping design and stress analysis to various codes such as ASME B31.3 and B31.1
- 3D piping design and isometric drawing generation
- Piping orthographic drawings
- Thermal expansion modeling and anchor design for piping
- Pressure piping design registration
- Pipe specifications and line lists
- Valve specifications and valve lists
- Pipe support specification and design
- Process and instrument diagrams
- Process flow diagrams
We provide
- Standard designs for power stations from 500 kW to 28 MW
- Diesel, heavy fuel oil, and natural gas fired reciprocating engine generating sets
- Combined heat and power (CHP) design based on heat recovered from engine jacket water, oil cooling, charge air cooling, and exhaust gas
- 3D power station design
- Mechanical, piping, HVAC and plumbing design
- Fuel system design including diesel, heavy fuel oil, and natural gas
- Cold weather engineering for northern arctic regions
- Tank farm design including fuel storage design to API 650
- Equipment specification, tendering, bid evaluations and recommendations
- Exhaust gas stack analysis, design and detailing
- Piping design and stress analysis to various codes such as ASME B31.3 and B31.1
- 3D piping design and isometric drawing generation
- Piping orthographic drawings
- Thermal expansion modeling and anchor design for piping
- Pressure piping design registration
- Pipe specifications and line lists
- Valve specifications and valve lists
- Pipe support specification and design
- Process and instrument diagrams
- Process flow diagrams